Genre: | Unknown Genre Type |
Publisher: | VNU Publications |
Cover Art Language: | English |
Machine Compatibility: | BBC Model B, Acorn Electron, Spectrum 48K, Spectrum 16K, Spectrum 128K, Spectrum Plus, Spectrum +2, Spectrum +3, Generic |
Release: | Magazine available via High Street/Mail Order |
Original Release Date: | 1st February 1984 |
Original Release Price: | £0.75 |
Market Valuation: | £2.50 (How Is This Calculated?) |
Author(s): | - |
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Quetzalcoatl (Virgin Games) (Spectrum 48K)
Graphics are good and colourful, and I enjoyed playing this game, without ever managing to reach the exit.
Frogger has spawned many versions, and this one leapfrogs others. Hop out and buy it.
Barreldrop (Games Machine) (Spectrum 48K)
For very young children only. Attention to detail is lacking; there is no acknowledgement as to whether the riddles within the game have been answered correctly or not.
Dimension Destructors (Artic) (Spectrum 48K)
Certainly different, but I think you could get bored with it fairly quickly.
Valhalla (Legend) (Spectrum 48K)
If you're an experienced adventurer (and if you can afford it) Valhalla will offer you many hours of novel and intriguing challenge.
Gridrunner (Salamander) (Spectrum 16K)
Compared to today's state-of-the-art, multi-screen micro thrillers with fully animated creatures and intricate strategies, Gridrunner has very little to offer.
Traxx (Salamander) (Spectrum 48K)
In all, a thoroughly enjoyable game - but for one that's so simple, I think it's overpriced.
Wild West Hero (Timescape) (Spectrum 48K)
The graphics are good, the game plays fast, and it's easy to play.
Lojix (Virgin Games) (Spectrum 48K)
The elegance and simplicity of Lojix will absorb puzzle fans, despite catering for a minority taste.
Lunar Jetman (Ultimate) (Spectrum 48K)
Features smooth scrolling graphics, an ingenious game design and a challenge that will last for months.
Corridors Of Genon (New Generation) (Spectrum 48K)
The 3D graphics are up to New Generation's usual, high standard and the sound is also very well used.
A lot of thought went into the planning of the game, the graphics are very realistic, and, most important of all, it's totally compelling to play.
Ghost Town (Virgin Games) (Spectrum 48K/128K)
It's a mainly Basic program and it's quite easy to break into it to see how it works.
Krazy Kong (PSS) (Spectrum 48K)
With three lives, it's not impossible to complete the game and still win a time bonus, and it's fun trying.
Lost (Virgin Games) (Spectrum 48K)
'Average' is the word that springs to mind with this offering. It's competently done but just not exciting.
Ant Attack (Quicksilva) (Spectrum 48K)
If you're prepared to put in the work necessary to master the controls, Ant Attack offers you an original and challenging entertainment.
Bugaboo (Quicksilva) (Spectrum 48K)
If you like a challenge, then this is it. Be patient though. It's not that easy to get back to the top!
Angler (Virgin Games) (Spectrum 48K)
Even at the highest level I can't imagine that this game will hold the attention for too long.
Rider (Virgin Games) (Spectrum 48K)
Rider has a military flavour, and one of its two stages is remarkably like Horace Goes Skiing - swinging left and right to avoid obstacles.
Spectron (Virgin) (Spectrum 48K)
As addictive and challenging as games come... True arcade quality.
The Pyramid (Fantasy) (Spectrum 48K)
All in all, a game you could spend a great deal of time playing. I thoroughly recommend it.
Dominoes (Phipps) (Spectrum 16K)
Strategy consists of trying to play all your dominoes while restricting your opponent to low scoring pieces.
Invaders (Arcadia) (Oric 1/Oric 48K)
This version is a little too awkward, and the firing a little too sedate, to be really enjoyable.
Ultima Zone (Tansoft) (Oric 48K)
A possible buy for small children with no arcade experience, but at £8.50 it should be avoided by everyone else.
Mushroom Mania (Arcadia) (Oric 48K/Atmos)
Each time you lose one of your six blasters you start again in the centre, which can be risky if the program decides a spider should start in the same place.
Killer Caverns (Virgin) (Oric 16K)
Avoid at all costs... The game is so bad in so many respects, it amazes me how Virgin could have released such rubbish!
Zorgon's Revenge (IJK) (Oric 48K)
Mastery of this game does not come easy and developing it is a lot of fun. Recommended.
Death Mines Of Sirus (Phoenix) (Dragon 32)
If you are looking for an easy adventure, forget it. You start with basically a series of choices, and the wrong one results in your death.
Cuthbert Goes Digging (Microdeal) (Dragon 32)
In comparison to other Dragon software, this program does not suffer too badly, but when you look at Space Panic for other micros, you see that Cuthbert Goes Digging is a dull and unimaginative version.
Keys Of The Wizard (Microdeal) (Dragon 32)
An engrossing and well-constructed adventure, although some Americanisms have remained in the program.
Transylvanian Tower (Richard Shepherd) (Dragon 32)
A well-written program, but a disappointing one to play.
Up Periscope (Beyond) (Dragon 32)
A very pleasing game to play requiring skill and some thought. The graphics are very good, as is the sound, which is used sparingly.
Crazy Painter (Microdeal) (Dragon 32)
There's something obsessive about painting large surfaces and this game captures that quality perfectly.
Doodle Bug (Dragon Data) (Dragon 32)
Pac-man in a very thin disguise... Fun if you liked the original.
Cuthbert In The Jungle (Microdeal) (Dragon 32)
The joystick control in this game was decidedly dicey... This is the ultimate in hard labour for slight rewards.
Circus (Dragon Data) (Dragon 32)
The only point of this game is simply to get young, primary school children used to punching the keyboard.
School Maze (Dragon Data) (Dragon 32)
An educational program, probably aimed at higher primary school children.
Munch Man (Texas Instruments) (TI99/4A)
If you have a joystick, don't mind the mediocre graphics, and want to play a Pacman-type game, then this is perhaps worth considering.
Parsec (Texas Instruments) (TI99/4A)
Hopelessly out of date in comparison with games currently available on other machines, although some will no doubt still enjoy it.
Mission Om (Spectresoft) (Commodore 64)
A lengthy challenge... When fighting, you can choose to fight with brute strength or with spells - though the spells are not guaranteed to work all the time!
Hungry Horace (Melbourne House) (Commodore 64)
The big difference about this version of Horace, is that it is possible to define your own park and then save it to tape.
Everest Ascent (Richard Shepherd) (Commodore 64/128)
A real challenge. This game requires you to find the right combination of sherpas, supplies and equipment and so face the hazards ahead.
International Soccer (Commodore) (Commodore 64)
Highly addictive... The quality of the game is best summed up by saying that it gets even the cynics who have 'seen it all', playing.
Steeple Jack (English) (Atari 400/800)
What makes this game work is that you are constantly fooled into believing that its strategic dimension is larger than the element of chance that really fuels it.
Sea Lord (Bug-Byte) (BBC Model B)
Movement is possible in only eight directions, so you have to spend a lot of time shunting backwards and forwards to get into a position for accurate fire.
Oblivion (Bug-Byte) (BBC Model B)
Provide the arcade player with a tough challenge... I can imagine players of this game suffering from eye strain and battle fatigue!
Microbe (Virgin Games) (BBC Model B)
Although the action is fast, noisy and colourful, Microbe is a frustrating game that is good to watch, but not much fun to play.
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