Personal Computer Games

Crazy Painter

Categories: Review: Software
Author: DJ
Publisher: Microdeal
Machine: Dragon 32

Published in Personal Computer Games #3

Crazy Painter

Imagine painting a floor and having the pet dog walk across it the moment you think you're almost done. Then picture that dog returning a few minutes later and bringing its mates in to stomp all over your handiwork.

Throw in a couple of Cheshire cats (heads only) who miraculously wipe out all traces of paint and 'eat' away at what you've accomplished. Add an assortment of other creatures, including circles that leave large ink splashes, and you begin to get the idea.

Crazy Painter provides you with a brush, four cans of quickly consumed paint, and unlimited screens to work through. This game is strictly for the workaholic; the sort of person who feels deprived when all the do-it-yourself jobs around the house are done.

Crazy Painter

There's something obsessive about painting large surfaces and this game captures that quality perfectly. It's not exactly a new conception in games, since every home computer manual has something similar.

One thing very much in favour of Crazy Painter is that it is dead simple to begin playing. It doesn't reveal all its secrets immediately. You have to learn by experience that certain animals or objects will nick your paint or your paintbrush, if you try painting over them.

There is the usual Hall of Fame, with the best scores, based on how economical a painter you are.


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