Personal Computer Games


Categories: Review: Software
Author: DJ
Publisher: Quicksilva
Machine: Spectrum 48K

Published in Personal Computer Games #3


Bugaboo has fallen from space on to the surface of a very strange planet which is covered with coloured rocks, mushrooms, and vegetation. He discovers that he can almost fly, and while jumping about the surface, falls into a deep cavern and lands on the bottom, unharmed.

It's your job to see that Bugaboo gets back to the top of by making him jump from ledge to ledge, and if that isn't enough, there is a yellow flying monster which is determined to eat Bugaboo at the first opportunity.

To guide Bugaboo, you have control over which way he jumps, left or right, and the strength with which he does so.

Bugaboo The Flea

The method of scoring is by getting the fellow out of the cavern in the shortest possible time.

You can scroll the picture in four directions to see where you are going to jump to. It was funny to see Bugaboo stop in mid-air as the screen was being updated, although this was very fast and didn't make the game look bad.

If you like a challenge, then this is it. Be patient though. It's not that easy to get back to the top!


Other Reviews Of Bugaboo The Flea For The Spectrum 48K

Bugaboo The Flea
A review by Bob Chappell (Personal Computer News)

Bugaboo The Flea (Quicksilva)
A review by (Crash)

Bugaboo (Quicksilva)
A review by N.B. (Home Computing Weekly)

The Spectrum Collection
Tony Hetherington selects fifteen classic games that all Spectrum owners should have

Bugaboo The Flea (Quicksilva)
A review by Simon Rockman (Games Computing)

Other Spectrum 48K Game Reviews By DJ

  • Barreldrop Front Cover

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