ST Format

Rockstar Ate My Hamster

Author: Rod Lawton
Publisher: Codemasters
Machine: Atari ST

Published in ST Format #17

Rock Star Ate My Hamster

This budget re-release is a pretty unusual offering in that it casts you in the role of a rock group manager. Hold auditions, name your band and then spend a frantic year trying to convert your raw recruits into successful money-spinning artistes.

The decision-making never stops. Do you practise at small venues rather than risking a flop at big ones? Set up publicity stunts to make your group famous in the papers? (Yes, but famous for what?) And how much do you spend in the video? Oh, decisions, decisions...

The biggest decision of all, of course, is whether this tongue-in-cheek outing is worth forking out £5 for. It's fun in a way, for a while, up to a point, etc, but don't expect any real lasting interest.

Rod Lawton

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