Another in a series designed with 'O' and 'A' level students in mind.
It comes in a large box with comprehensive manual and five programs.
There are instructions to transfer to disc.
Each section enables the student to proceed individually
with the first two programs allowing for group work. As with
other programs in this series, the aims and objectives are clearly
stated in the manual. Included here are the demonstration examples
as well as sample questions that aid learning.
The last three programs involve answering multiple choice questions
about "graphical representations of equations". Some of the ground
covered includes variations on the sine, cosine and tangent curves,
straight line graphs, quadramatic and cubic curves.
It's a very straightforward set which can only benefit the
student. All responses are kept as simple as this subject allows
which is a good reason for having the multiple choice format were
applicable. Graphics are well presented giving instant response.
Good revision material at the end of the school year.