Genre: | Compilation Of Arcade Games |
Publisher: | Argus Press |
Cover Art Language: | English |
Machine Compatibility: | BBC Model B, BBC Model B+, BBC Master 128, Acorn Electron |
Release: | Magazine available via High Street/Mail Order |
Original Release Date: | 1st March 1986 |
Original Release Price: | £1.50 |
Market Valuation: | £2.50 (How Is This Calculated?) |
Author(s): | - |
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The Real You (Collins) (BBC/Electron)
The computer presentation adds little to what a book could provide with considerably more text.
Maths With A Story 2 (BBC Soft) (Acorn Electron)
I certainly think this set of programs is as good as, if not better than, the first.
Astro Plumber (Blue Ribbon) (Acorn Electron)
The gameplay is extremely hard and this detracts from an otherwise good game for the asking price.
The Professional Touch (Sigma) (BBC/Electron)
Very useful for the BASIC programmer wanting to present a program to the public maximising benefit without confusion or crashes!
The Worm In Paradise (Level 9) (BBC Model B)
Builds well on the atmosphere created by the earlier games, but also stands alone as one of the best adventures available for the BBC Micro.
Colourspace (Llamasoft) (BBC Model B)
Can be relaxing as well as creative... Some people just turn off and get no further than pressing a few buttons; others can't stop.
Powerplay: The Game Of The Gods (Arcana) (BBC Model B)
Brilliantly presented, Powerplay blends a simple strategic element with 2,000 standard (though well chosen) and potentially unlimited multiple-choice questions.
Could go down very well with those who are creative and enjoy a challenge!
Merlin's Magical Shop (GSN Educational) (BBC Model B)
£25 may seem expensive but it's the type of program that can be used over and over again by different groups at different times.
Doctor Who And The Mines Of Terror (Micro Power) (BBC Model B)
A startling loading screen... and an adventure game with animated graphics. What disturbs me most about this game is its price... £20 for a single game?
Nightshade (Ultimate) (BBC Model B)
It's just like Alien-8 and Knight Lore with better graphics and the puzzles taken out.
Fleet Street Editor (Mirrorsoft) (BBC Model B)
An invaluable release for print-minded BBC users.
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