Just as it seemed that the Xyolians had been expelled from the galaxy,
a starprobe has reported underground activity on a small moon. Now it's
up to you to penetrate the defences of their hidden base by controlling
the probe.
As the game starts, your probe descends into the depths of a
cave. Using keyboard control to hover, move left, right or fire either
QuasiThermite bombs or the Superbeam, the probe must be guided down
the maze of tunnels that scroll up the screen, blasting Xyolian defences
all the way. Any fuel depots you see should be bombed to boost the probe's
reserves. The same applies to ammunition dumps.
When the game ends you are given the total depth, reserve fuel and
ammunition, and your deepest probe, although this information can be
called any time during the game by the P, pause, key. You may play again
in the same cave or in any of another eight different ones.
If you're looking for an entertaining program for your unexpanded TI
this is an excellent choice. It's by far the best that I've seen for a
long time that exploits the better qualities of this under-rated machine.