A first class simulation that kept me hooked for hours. It's another
import from Tom Mix and has good graphics and sound.
You are asked whether your computer can handle double speed - a necessary
precaution as the program could crash - and then to select level of
difficulty, the greater the difficulty the more traffic. The screen shows
your area of operations plus instruments in the highest resolution which
in this case means black and white. The aircraft are clearly drawn with
two runways in the centre.
A detailed manual explains the operations, all accomplished with a joystick.
It takes a little while to get used to the commands but it's worthwhile in the
end. Fortunately, a collision or bad landing doesn't end the simulations - you
go on until no plans are left!
Points are earned for good take offs and successful landings. Landings are more
difficult because you take manual control to glide in with crosswinds increasing
the difficulty.