Genre: | Unknown Genre Type |
Publisher: | MSM Ltd |
Cover Art Language: | English |
Machine Compatibility: | Amstrad CPC464, Amstrad 6128, Amstrad CPC664 |
Release: | Magazine available via High Street/Mail Order |
Original Release Date: | 1st April 1989 |
Original Release Price: | £1.45 |
Market Valuation: | £1.50 (How Is This Calculated?) |
Item Weight: | 90g |
Author(s): | - |
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The Amstrad conversion is something of a turkey, which is a pity because some versions, namely the Sega Master System version, have been good. What happened, Activision?
International Speedway (Silverbird)
Graphically it's poor, the sound effects leave much to be desired and the gameplay was so boring that I felt I could make a cup of tea without missing anything.
A little extra speed all round would have improved the game but the graphics are good and there is never a dull moment, as the bad guys in their various forms never cease their assault.
The graphics are far from stunning and the sound effects elusive but for all-out wanton destruction, with a little thought thrown in, you cannot go far wrong.
The gameplay would be satisfactory it you were allowed to play the game for more than five minutes. But your energy is drained so easily that it'll annoy many people. Only one for the most persistent.
The graphics feature plenty of cheerful, bright colours and the characters look cute. The gameplay is reasonable too, although it must be said that it can be puzzling trying to play the one-player game when the duo split.
Ocean has produced another winner that I'm sure will dominate the charts for many weeks... An essential buy for anybody that was fooled by OutRun.
SAS Combat Simulator (Codemasters)
Definitely a game to miss. I know the usual arguments about budget software but surely CodeMasters can do better.
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