Your Sinclair

Mission Omega

Categories: Review: Software
Author: Marcus Berkmann
Publisher: Bug Byte
Machine: Spectrum 48K

Published in Your Sinclair #42

Mission Omega

A weird one, this. Every so often you get a game which has more features that it knows what to do with, but not much game to speak of, and Mission Omega is a superb example.

Essentially what you have to do is build a robot - on the initial pull-down-menu-driven screens, you get a choice of the various whizzo components you can use - and then guide it around an alien spaceship, trying to switch off four reactors within a time limit. Muck it up and a rocket will blow up the craft - do it properly and, well, you can go and play something more interesting. Trouble is, there's not much here of any interest at all. The ship's innumerable corridors and rooms all look exactly the same - dullsville - and the game's instructions are so sketchy that it's never made at all clear what is going on and what you are supposed to do. Even after you have worked it all out by trial and error, you wander around a bit and find yourself asking, "Is that it?" before throwing the Speccy out of the window. A total waste of time, I'm afraid - expensive even at two quid.

Marcus Berkmann

Other Reviews Of Mission Omega For The Spectrum 48K

Mission Omega (Mind Games/Argus Press)
Time to save the world again as a planet-sized U.F.O. is on collision course with Earth

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