Your Sinclair

Technician Ted

Author: Marcus Berkmann
Publisher: Rack-It
Machine: Spectrum 48K

Published in Your Sinclair #41

Technician Ted

When you load this up, you realise with a certain element of shock how long it is since anyone released a platform game in the traditional Jet Set Willy mould. After all, shoot-'em-ups haven't gone out of fashion, 3D isometrics are still with us, and there are still games coming out called Revenge Of The Ninja Aubergines, but nothing quite as platformy and pixel perfect as Technician Ted ever sees the light of day

It's very similar to Jet Set Willy, but far far slicker, with more to look at and more to do. Getting past each screen requires thought as well as arcade skill, and initially it's hard to get anywhere. For one thing, you soon learn not to jump down every hole you chance upon, and of course every femtosecond counts. I'd never recommend this to everyone - because, let's face it, lots of people detest this type of game with a vehemence bordering on violence - but if you caught onto JSW on its recent rerelease, then you'll lap this up too.

Marcus Berkmann

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