Your Sinclair


Author: Marcus Berkmann
Publisher: The Hit Squad
Machine: Spectrum 48K/128K/+2/+3

Published in Your Sinclair #50


We may now have seen every conceivable permutation of the Renegade legend (Renegade 12: Chelsea v Millwall is in preparation, I understand) but the original remains highly playable and a bit of a laugh, basically. You are the usual tough-on-the-streets superhero, and you re on your way to meet your luscious young lovely/noxious boiler (delete as appropriate) of a girlfriend. Only problem - thugs, yobs, villains, and men with large scars and chainsaws stand in your way.

To fight them, or to run? Well, I know what to do, but this is a computer game, so you fight them. Control is simple and effective, you are always given a chance (which probably has more to do with the game's initial success than anything else) and the graphics are excellent. Anyone who's played the later games may find it a little easy, but everyone else will have a ball. Another excellent release from Ocean's Hit Squad label.

Marcus Berkmann

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