Genre: | Unknown Genre Type |
Publisher: | Home Computing Weekly |
Cover Art Language: | English |
Machine Compatibility: | BBC Model B, Acorn Electron, Spectrum 48K, Spectrum 16K, Spectrum 128K, Spectrum Plus, Spectrum +2, Spectrum +3, Generic |
Release: | Magazine available via High Street/Mail Order |
Original Release Date: | 23rd April 1985 |
Original Release Price: | £0.35 |
Market Valuation: | £2.50 (How Is This Calculated?) |
Author(s): | - |
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Gribbly's Day Out (Hewson) (Commodore 64)
Overall a very innovative game... Graphics are excellent, especially the topsie airborne and land creatures and the expressions on Gribbly's face at various stages.
Cauldron (Palace) (Commodore 64/128)
Buy this game without delay... Instead of a spaceship you have a witch, and instead of aliens you have bats, ghosts, sharks and other various nasties.
Falcon Patrol 2 (Virgin Games) (Spectrum 48K)
A good shoot-up that gets enjoyably frantic after the first few levels.
Theatre Europe (PSS) (Commodore 64)
I found myself getting bored and frustrated by the decisions of the computer to launch all-out nuclear strikes for no apparent reason, or to award the game itself just when I felt the tide had turned in my favour.
Glider Pilot (CRL) (Commodore 64)
Full control over the weather conditions and simulation speeds... Designed and written by a fully qualified glider pilot... Seems to be very realistic.
Pole Position (US Gold) (Commodore 64)
The game is fast and quite testing... However, there are one or two games of comparable quality about, and its release is probably too late.
Gyron (Firebird) (Spectrum 48K)
I tried hard to enjoy Gyron, I honestly did. A vast amount of work has clearly gone into it.
Las Vegas (Anirog) (Commodore 16)
Compares very well against the opposition but, in spite of this, it's not really that exciting.
Catacombs (Anirog) (Commodore 16)
Fair, but probably too daunting for newcomers to adventures.
Mastermaths (Oxford University Press) (BBC Model B)
These programs combine good teaching with entertainment.
Up 'N Down (US Gold) (Commodore 64)
Seems to have a good potential... Definitely hard enough to keep you going for a while.
Note Invaders (Chalksoft) (Commodore 64)
Well presented and thoughtfully laid out.
Airwolf (Elite) (Commodore 64)
The graphics and sound are extremely good... Scrolling is smooth and flicker-free.
The graphics and movement are of an extremely high standard.
Grand Larceny (Melbourne House) (Commodore 64)
This game does not live up to the reputation which Melbourne House has been built up over the past few years.
Rocketball (IJK) (Commodore 64)
I found the game rather boring to play - too much is done automatically by the computer.
Scoredraw (Naigram) (Spectrum 16K/48K)
I found no evidence to show that this program is any better than a blindfold and a pin.
Gremlins (Adventure International) (Spectrum 48K/128K)
Nice to see Adventure International bringing a new audience to adventuring.
Chuckie Egg 2 (A 'n F) (Spectrum 48K)
One extra feature that puts Chuckie Egg 2 in the arcade/adventure category is the ability to collect objects which will be needed to solve problems elsewhere in the factory.
Combat Leader (US Gold) (Commodore 64)
This is a high calibre war game which will appeal to the average user who doesn't want to relive a specific campaign. The one real black mark is the price.
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