Gribbly Grobbly lives on the planet Blabgor and is a little green creature with a big head, one foot and antennae. The idea behind the game is for Gribbly to rescue the gribblets, which are young gribblys. This is done by moving about the screen. On land Gribbly bounces on his one foot, but he can also fly by power of his mind and Psi energy!
To make things a little more difficult there are things called topsies which attempt to capture and carry off the gribblets. A topsie starts as a sort of flying sycamore seed floating down to land. Once down the topsie becomes a little green tube that nips along like a slinky. I f a topsie meets a gribblet on the ground he will nip the Gribblet onto its back. Gribbly can destroy the topsies in their airborne form by 'bubbling' them.
Another feature is the Anti-Psi web that is in the sky, this is harmful to Gribbly if he touches it as it drains Psi but the web may be controlled and moved about. Finally there is Seon, a bad gribbly, like a crab, which inhabits the web, if Gribbly touches Seon he must immediately return for more Psi.
The control of the game is difficult to master as Gribbly moves up under his Psi power but gravity brings him down and the web is never far away. Graphics are excellent especially the topsie airborne and land creatures and the expressions on Gribbly's face at various stages. Sound is average and consists of a few tunes. Overall a very innovative game, well done.