Genre: | Unknown Genre Type |
Publisher: | Future Publishing |
Cover Art Language: | English |
Machine Compatibility: | Amiga 500 |
Release: | Magazine available via High Street/Mail Order |
Original Release Date: | 1st October 1995 |
Original Release Price: | £4.25 |
Market Valuation: | £3.00 (How Is This Calculated?) |
Item Weight: | 124g |
Author(s): | - |
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I initially despised it, learned to live with all the 'problems' and, by the time I eventually got to grips with all the running around and picking things up, I'd actually learned to love it.
Hollywood Hustler (Desert Star)
If you fancy playing poker for money, but a pack of cards, some beer, order a pizza (just plain cheese and tomato for me) and get a few mates to come round. It's a much better way of spending £25 than buying this.
Football Glory (The Hit Squad)
I was taken aback by the pace and number of options in the game when I first reviewed it but time has not left a graceful mark on Football Glory, and neither will I.
There are hundreds of classic mass-destruction games on budget. This plays like a dead kitten. Go figure.
Excellent Gard Games 3 (On-Line PD)
It looks fabulous, there's plenty of variety and you don't have to keep shuffling cards and dealing. Nice one.
Two-player games always have a certain 'something' in their favour, but this is outweighed here by the slow pace and stupidly small, simple levels. On top of that, some seriously weird things happened while I was playing.
Martial Morphers (F1 Licenceware)
Wow! You can control two characters at the same time. Double the fun? Well, no, actually. It's a tedious, flat and boring beat-'em-up.
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