Genre: | Compilation Of Arcade Games |
Publisher: | Argus Press |
Cover Art Language: | English |
Machine Compatibility: | BBC Model B, BBC Model B+, BBC Master 128, Acorn Electron |
Release: | Magazine available via High Street/Mail Order |
Original Release Date: | 1st July 1984 |
Original Release Price: | £1.95 |
Market Valuation: | £2.50 (How Is This Calculated?) |
Author(s): | - |
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Lemming Syndrome (Dynabyte) (Acorn Electron)
The absolute option (help) is manageable but the positive option (on your own) is manic.
Swoop (Micro Power) (Acorn Electron)
Great value... The birdmen flap their wings realistically, and the smoothness have to be seen to be appreciated.
Beyond Basic (BBC Publications) (BBC Model B)
My biggest disappointment was to see no information on graphics. One of the most common reasons for turning to assembly language is to speed up games, and this invariably involves the display and movement of graphical forms. Yet this is not mentioned anywhere in this book.
The Spanish Tutor Levels A & B (Kosmos) (Acorn Electron)
The Spanish Tutor proved a thoughtfully created package and should be useful tool in Spanish learning for individuals and in conjunction with other aids in school.
Advanced BBC Micro/Electron Machine Code Techniques (Granada) (Acorn Electron)
Chapters outlining the architecture of the Beeb and looking at the resident assembler make a good introduction before moving on to particular implementations of machine code.
21 Games For The Electron (Granada) (Acorn Electron)
If you have little, or no, experience in BASIC programming and a wish to start programming games, I would seriously consider looking at this book.
The Quest For The Holy Grail (Epic) (Acorn Electron)
A program I recommend to any fairly proficient Adventurer.
Dallas (Cases) (Acorn Electron)
Dealing in millions of petro-dollars certainly stimulates the adrenalin, but I found it a little difficult to immerse myself totally in this game.
Bandits At 3 O' Clock (Micro Power) (Acorn Electron)
An interesting program for many reasons, but one you will either love or hate.
Bumble Bee (Micro Power) (Acorn Electron)
Whilst being well presented and fairly interesting, it lacks the features and addictive qualities of a really top quality arcade game.
Chess (Micro Power) (Acorn Electron)
All the features anyone might want are included... A good buy.
Croaker (Micro Power) (Acorn Electron)
The closest a program has come to the original and good value for money.
Basic Programming On The Acorn Electron (Acorn Electron)
This book sensibly confines itself to fundamental aspects of programming and gives itself a chance to fully explain them.
Electron Machine Code For Beginners (Granada) (Acorn Electron)
This is a book for beginners... The gradual introduction to the subject may prove too slow for a programmer with any 6502 machine-code experience.
737 Flight Simulator (Salamander) (Acorn Electron)
I could go on about this program for a long time, so let me just say this if you have a BBC or an Electron, go out and buy it!
BBC Micro/Electron Assembly Language (Acorn Electron)
A good book as a refresher and concise reference to information on BBC assembler for someone who is not a beginner.
Graphs Maths Tutor (Salamander) (BBC/Electron)
The program will be very useful at 'O' level up to post 'A' level work.
Vortex (Software Invasion) (Acorn Electron)
Vortex only uses black and white graphics, but this lack of colour is made up for by the quality and speed of the graphics.
Graphics System (Salamander) (Acorn Electron)
A great deal of potential... The demonstrations do not show off this program to its best advantage.
Brainteasers For The BBC And Electron Computers (Phoenix) (BBC/Electron)
A lot of these programs transgress the eighth deadly sin of not really being worth the effort to type them in.
Star Trader (First Byte) (BBC Model B)
A winning technique is easily mastered, and once the computer is taken to the solar system, there is no point in playing the game again in my view, except possibly to improve your score.
JCB Digger (Acornsoft) (BBC Model B)
It's the sort of game which is not too difficult to play and demands that you keep on practising to improve on previous performances.
3D Ice Hockey (Computersmith) (BBC B/B+/Master 128)
Not a worthwhile buy unless you feel particularly nostalgic about that oldest sort of pub video machine.
Aviator (Acornsoft) (BBC Model B)
The price reflects the quality of the program... This game should be made compulsory for every BBC in school.
Bel Gen (Bel Tech) (BBC Model B)
The ideal package for anyone who spends his/her leisure hours in the pursuit of family or local history.
Games One (Micro-Aid) (BBC Model B)
It took me about half an hour to work out what this programs were supposed to do. When I finally did, I wished that I hadn't bothered.
Alien Destroyer (Beebugsoft) (BBC Model B)
Quite a good version... Good value if you are a Space Invaders fan.
Kubla Khan (Blue Moon) (BBC Model B)
The response to unknown input is a pretty uninformative "I don't understand", giving no idea as to how to string together words to do a certain thing.
Making The Most Of The Micro (BBC Publications) (BBC Model B)
An excellent package, attractively put together and a useful product, especially for those new to the computing game.
Vectors Maths Tutor (Salamander) (BBC/Electron)
I wish that this kind of tape had been available when I was taking my exams at school; it would have made revision at home a much more relevant experience.
Pick-A-Word (Ega Beva) (BBC B/B+/Master 128)
Sloppy programming... Save yourself £2 and buy their Jigsaw cassette instead.
The Advanced User Guide (Acornsoft/Adder) (BBC Model B)
Where there are discrepancies between this volume and the official User Guide, the authors claim that their version is more likely to be correct, which demonstrates great confidence.
Sploosh (Highlight) (BBC Model B)
The sort of game that will immediately appeal to children, and the graphics are superb!
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