This is the best adventure game I have yet seen from Melbourne House. The object of the adventure is to go on holiday with your family to Spain, taking ten photographs while you are there. All the photographs have to be taken in the right places and it is up to you to find out where they are.
You start at home. A taxi is due soon to take you to the airport and you must search the house for the things you will need in Spain and get your family together before it arrives.
On arrival you check in at your hotel (make sure it is the right one) and change into more suitable attire before visiting the local shops. An exploration of the nearby beach will lead to a rewarding encounter with a shark.
You should now sample the nightlife, though the red light district has nothing to do with developing your photographs.
You will find that three coach trips are laid on so remember to take your camera. A colloquial insult will help you to find the missing passenger at the monastery. The problem that I get asked most is how do you avoid being killed by the bull?
This is solved by remembering that you do not need to protect your head at the moment and by allowing it to break some crockery. As is immediately apparent from the title, the adventure is very tongue-in-cheek. Unlike Hampstead, where the humour seemed laboured, Terrormolinos hits the right note every time.