Sinclair User

Space Station B1/The Legend Of The Lost Kingdom

Author: Gary Rook
Publisher: Dan Brochner Nielsen
Machine: Spectrum 48K/128K

Published in Sinclair User #71

Spacestation Beta 1

Another entry into the budget adventure market, but with a difference. Mr Nielsen and his adventures hail from Denmark.

You get two adventures on one tape for £2.99; Space Station B1 and The Legend of the Lost Kingdom.

Space Station B1 is set on a space station (ho humm). While the accompanying documentation was skimpy to say the least.

Anyway, it becomes fairly clear early on that you have to do something to the reactor, which has a nasty habit of blowing up and killing you. Wandering around the space station, you find the usual assorted objects which may or may not help you; keys, spacehelms, access cards. But I don't seem to be able to do a great deal.

The Legend of the Lost Kingdom is a much more satisfying adventure. Again, you start off with little idea of what you are supposed to be doing, but you find a very familiar object in the first location - the well filled oil lamp!

Wandering around, you will come across various sorts of terrain: mountains, grasslands, and old sumps filled with nasty water which it's all too easy to get drowned in!

Unfortunately, after a certain time, everything goes dark and you can't see a damn thing any more. Since I have yet to find anything to light the lamp with, there's not a lot I can do... Added to the darkness you get little messages telling you how the zombie and the ghost have moved from their resting places...

Separately, the two adventures would be rather thin I suspect; together they make a good buy.

Two adventures on one tape from Denmark. Some language difficulties, interesting nonetheless.

Overall Summary

Two adventures on one tape from Denmark. Some language difficulties, interesting nonetheless.

Gary Rook

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