Assuming you make correct entries, this program gives your
current bank balance, profit and loss account, total debtors and
creditors, balance sheet and your VAT return figures. And that's
the end of the good news.
It can't tell you who owes you money, let alone how much or how
long. You'll need some other way of finding this out, i.e. the
manual system you are already using.
It's equally clueless about who you owe, so manual records for that,
too. You're now doing duplicate entries and, since each entry needs a
printer copy, buying lots of expensive paper.
Each profit and loss heading is coded on the purchase ledger but not
on the petty cash - be prepared to make copious notes for your accountant.
Sale of assets ignores profit or loss on sale or deprecated value. VAT
deduction on vehicles is not accepted - either lose the VAT on your
commercial vehicles or note it elsewhere.
The total inflexibility of the system make the profit or loss figure more
unreliable with each update.