This program, produced by major educational publishers,
shows how important microcomputers are to be in schools in the
near future. The aims of the program are quite wide - learning
concepts of space, direction, estimation, number and angle - and
it does go some way towards fostering all of them.
The child (or children) has to steer a number of sheep through
a gate by commanding a sheepdog to move towards or away from
them, crouching or standing. The sheep don't often move in a
straight line, which is true to life at least, and if they hit
the fence you must start again.
The game works well and is well error-trapped, so young fingers
cannot do too much harm but it is extremely repetitive. The only
options are the number of sheep and type of control: either the
cursor keys or the points of the compass (cardinal and half-cardinal).
The documentation is excellent and an object lesson to other
educational program producers. There are even four workcards for
the pupils to use.