This program is not intended to reside within the MiniMemory module, but makes use of some of the extra functions provided by the module for TI Basic.
Using a character redefinition technique, the program allows you to either draw a limited high-resolution picture on the screen, or to print a picture already defined within the program.
It is unusual in that it is of the type known as self-modifying; that is, the program re-writes part of itself so that, if you save the program after it has finished its stuff, when you reload it will print up your picture in double-quick time.
Control of a small pen is achieved through the keyboard, using the W, E, R, S, D, Z, X and C keys.
Also active are the 1, 2, 4 and 5 keys, giving pen up, pen down, initiate re-writing, and pen erase.
This is not a fast program because of the restrictions of TI Basic, but nevertheless with patience a satisfying image can be produced.
The program works with both the TI-99/4 and 4A, and overcomes the CALL KEY() bug on the 4A.