Available as a free demo via Prestel/Micronet (mbx 919999859), this is an excellent glider simulation. Now that's unusual as most of the flying simulations I can recall are all aeroplanes of varying sizes and a glider rising and falling on air currents does imply some pretty nifty programming calculations.
It is well worth investing in the full program. Although the graphics are not going to stop the traffic, there is enough here to interest and intrigue you for some time. Pavilion are to be congratulated for seeking out such an unexposed area for development and it is the curse of the software industry at the moment that this is unlikely to appear in the shops or on the lists of major wholesalers.
Strike a blow for the independent supplier! Recall a more innocent age of BBC software when games like this did sell! Try a new experience and sail over the clouds on nothing more than air currents and neat programming!