Sinclair User

Rigel's Revenge

Author: Tony Dillon
Publisher: Bulldog
Machine: Spectrum 48K/128K/+2

Published in Sinclair User #69

Rigel's Revenge

I've been ordered upon pain of death to make this short, so here goes. A couple of geezers called 'Arper and Elliot have joined some rebels, ryte, and they meet in this slum area, and then wouldn't you just believe it, a bomb goes off killing one of 'em. Don't it always just happen, eh. So, this 'Arper fellar 'as to go on ahead and blow up this fing celled a Doomsday Device. So, off he sets, and guess who's controlling 'im? Yep, it's youz out there reading this.

Now, come on, honestly, it's a rotten storyline! So what do you expect the adventure to be like? Well, it's Quilled, of course, and - although it does have long descriptive pieces which are, quite frankly, a delight to see in a budget adventure - the playability ranges from the impossibly easy to the pretty damned hard.

I didn't enjoy this at all and if you're looking for a decent adventure - look elsewhere.

Overall Summary

Frequently dull and poorly designed text adventure with some average interactive graphics.

Tony Dillon

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