Your Sinclair

Olli & Lissa 3

Author: Marcus Berkmann
Publisher: Cartoon Time
Machine: Spectrum 48K/128K/+2/+3

Published in Your Sinclair #52

Olli & Lissa 3

Back to the Cartoon Timers, and another spank game for the more youthful player. O&L 3 is, amazingly enough, the sequel to O&L 1 and O&L 2, both of which were released so long ago I'm amazed anyone can remember them. I'm not even sure I can, although I do remember the original Olli and Lissa sitting pretty on the top of the charts for the best part of six months after YS had said it was a giant pile of vom!

Shows how much notice people take of us, eh? O&L 3 though, isn't bad at all, an odd little platformer that takes the still-badly-misspelt Olli through the usual network of screens, trying to find all the parts of his disassembled car. Poor old Ol.

It's a gigantic excuse, of course, for loads of very colourful graphics, a house so large even the Ed would feel at home in it, and a jolly little romp that, unlike Wizard Willy for instance, may well test the patience of older players.

Control is, well, different, and so not especially user-friendly, and even the best-tempered players will bridle when, after the inevitable failure, your only reward is a rather snotty letter from Lissa. There's one relationship that's clearly on the rocks... Not bad, then, but nicer to look at than to play.

Marcus Berkmann

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