If you are a serious computer user, you are likely to read a large number of magazines. Problems
arise when you need a particular article but can't remember which magazine and which issue it was in!
This product is an attempt to keep you up to date with the happenings in all magazines containing
references to the BBC.
The bibliography was started in December 1981 and has been kept up to date. Each program has about
a thousand references and can be searched in minutes. If you have more than one part on a disc,
it will load that section and carry on the search.
What disappointed me was that the programs don't use random access; each reference is contained in
a DATA statement and it is these that are searched.
Having said that, the programs are very useful and can save hours of work. The two string search
facility is good and this enables you to find only graphic articles in one magazine which can make
life much more simple.