Mutant aliens are at it again, intent upon abducting any human witless enough to wait around on mountains. Only your spacefighter and laser stand between Earth's destruction and billions of assorted alien ships.
This time, Earth's in big trouble, because you and your spacecraft are past their best. Your speed is slow, your laser lazy and explosions could be mistaken for TV static. Even the aliens seem apathetic, and the humans are apparently indifferent to danger.
You may gather I was not overly impressed. Nor was my teenage expert and, looking at the spectacular explosions, speed, graphics and sound on his favourite versions, this one fell even lower in my regard.
Houses issuing new versions of old themes should not assume everyone knows how to play. Cassette instructions (also showing the keys used before you load) would be welcome. And display loading instructions, always. Remember, there are new Spectrum owners every day.