Oh no, not again! Not another Gauntlet clone! I can't take it anymore! Arrrrgghh! Take my advice and don't you take it either. Dawnssley tries to be a straight copy of the big G, but fails on every count. The underground levels, the elf, the warrior the leys, the monsters, the boredom are all here in this cheapie. Unfortunately, so too are a catalogue of bad programming techniques. There's a horrible jangly noise when playing that can't be turned off, jerky scrolling, mysteriously vanishing character squares (including your chap at times!), no quit keys so you have to wait ages to be killed before starting again, no joystick option. Add to this no loading screen or title music, and all but impossible gameplay, and you have a poor package. Even at £1.99 it's not worth the dosh, Tosh. Never mind Dawnssley, call it Yawnssley and you're on the right track!
Cheap Gauntlet clone that lacks quality and gameplay. Very poor value.