I must confess to having been put off this game by the difficulty I
had in loading it. My poor Commodore does not like the Speedy
Loading system it employs. A game would have to be very good indeed
to compensate for such severe loading problems. This one just doesn't
make it.
The objective is to build a hotel on an island paradise, by picking
up bricks with a helicopter, then placing them in position. Earthquakes,
hurricanes, floods or other disasters undo much of your good work. The
building targets you set are uncomfortably high, and my chances of
meeting them seemed remote.
The instructions and the demonstration game, suggest that the skill
lies in correctly positioning your bricks so as to minimise the
damage done to the building, but I found that to be the least of my
worries - the hard part was manoeuvring the helicopter into position
to pick the bricks up: a frustratingly tricky task.
I liked the demonstration game, and the fact that two people can play
at once if you have two joysticks, but the game itself has limited appeal.