Whether you take it seriously or not Biorhythms is certainly fun
to try out. Calculations are made to show your good, bad or critical
days. Your compatibility with someone may also be tested, a match
being rated as percentages.
Poor error-trapping, however, gives results for impossible days
of the month, dates before you were born and the program sometimes
crashes completely!
Farmer is a text only game, the object being to make money by
trading livestock. Commands to eat and sleep form a fundamental part
of play as bargaining may come to an abrupt end should you die through
lack of either.
In Play Your Cards you must guess against the computer whether the
next in a series of cards is higher or lower in denomination than the
previous one. Not a particularly involved or interesting game.
Snooker is a mainly text version of the Waddington dice game for two
players. You have options to nominate which colour you will attempt to
pot, try for a snooker or resign. Trying to pot a ball out of sequence
results in a foul stroke.