Electron User

5 Computer Hits

Author: Beejay
Publisher: Beau Jolly
Machine: Acorn Electron

Published in Electron User 5.01

Croaker heads this compilation tape of five golden oldies and is similar to Frogger, seen in the arcades many years ago.

Your aim is to dodge the traffic while crossing a busy road, then use floating logs and turtles as stepping stones to cross a river. Unfortunately for you, you're the only frog that can't swim. Later screens become more difficult as hungry crocodiles float past, and the turtles dive now and then. The graphics are well drawn, with smooth character movement. And although the sound may become a little monotonous, it can be switched off.

The next game is Blagger, which is a variation on the platforms and ladders theme featuring a burglar called Roger the Dodger. With him you can steal your way through twenty screens.

Most of the obstacles don't fit in with the scenario and are there simply to add spice: Conveyor belts and disappearing platforms are fine, but spaceships and railway engines are hard to explain, while giant mouths with gnashing teeth, although graphically effective, do not normally pursue even the most villainous criminal.

The sound effects are basic, with the movement not always realistic, resulting in Roger staying in the air for so long Rudolf Nuryev would be green with envy.

Swag is next, another game for budding burglars. You must collect 250,000 diamonds before your opponent, all the while dodging bullets and killer droids.

The screen shows two houses where you and your opponent hide your ill-gotten gains, and also the bank where a deposit of gold will finance a further supply of bullets. Police cars interfere with your progress, but can be stopped after a drink that refreshes parts others can't reach, and shooting at their car.

The graphics are excellent, the sound is good and the action is very fast. For my money this is the best game on the tape.

Millionaire is a simulation game where you are head of a software company and must make the necessary decisions on marketing policy, including whether to trade with Honest Harry. The program is virtually all text, graphics being limited to a picture of the type of office you occupy, starting from a terraced house. The questions posed are reasonably representative of the sort of decisions made in business, but too much depends on luck.

The last item is Bug Eyes 2, a multi-screen sequel to Space Agent Zelda Meets The Bug Eyes. In the original game, Zelda took on the might of the Xxabaneans and was captured. Your job is to search their flagship and find the 25 keys to release her while avoiding the nasties ranged against you.

Sound quality is good with the graphics composed of smoothly moving chunky sprites. I especially liked the way that as you exit each screen, one of Sir Clive's C5s is waiting for you.

I rate Bug Eyes 2 and Swag as the best on this compilation and if you have neither of these it becomes excellent value. The other games tend to be a little dated and I would not buy it for them alone but they are well worth having to build up your collection.


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