Brings back information on an thing of which you know the unique Thing ID.
You can retrieve an Thing ID by:
To get information on an thing, substitute [thing_id] into the following URL:[thing_id]/ |
For example, hitting this URL: |
will return the following JSON response:
{ "response": { "thing_id":44863, "show_title":"Law Of The West", "paarent_type_name":"Game", "paarent_id":19675, "thing_descrption":"An ambitious decision-making game set in the Wild West. Take on the role of Sheriff and try to survive gunfights and confrontations with its residents.", "publisher_info":"U. S. Gold", "machine_type_group_name":"Commodore 64\/128", "format_type_group_name":"Cassette", "expansion_required_description":"", "ills":"15", "flag_no_screenshots_available":"0", "finished_date":"1986-04-01", "flag_fsls":"1", "flag_offensive":"0", "date_created":"0000-00-00 00:00:00", "date_modified":"2019-07-20 13:37:25", "thing_title":"Law-Of-The-West", "paarent_type_id":1, "publisher_id":477, "format_type_group_id":1001, "machine_type_group_id":333 } }
Whilst many of the key->value pairs in the response may be self-explanatory, the following table gives a little more information
on what the key designates. (Of course, many of the values returned may be of no interest to the application you are producing!)
Key | Human-readable Explanation | Value Data Type | Value Example |
thing_id | Thing ID | String | 44863 |
show_title | Show Title | String | Law Of The West |
paarent_type_name | Thing Type Name | String | Game |
paarent_id | Paarent ID | String | 19675 |
thing_description | Thing Description | String | An ambitious decisi...with its residents. |
publisher_info | Publisher | String | U. S. Gold |
machine_type_group_name | Stated Machine Compatibility | String | Commodore 64/128 |
format_type_group_name | Media Format Of Thing | String | Cassette |
expansion_required_description | Expansion Required | String | |
ills | Number Of Screenshots | String | 15 |
flag_no_screenshots_available | Flag If No Screenshots Available | String | 0 |
finished_date | Earliest Date Thing Finished | String | 1986-04-01 |
flag_fsls | Is First Screen Loading Screen? | 0 = No, 1 = Yes | 1 |
flag_offensive | Is Content Offensive? | 0 = No, 1 = Yes | 0 |
date_created | Date Thing Added To EveryGameGoing | String | 2016-09-24 09:20:22 |
date_modified | Date Thing Last Modified On EveryGameGoing | String | 2019-07-20 13:37:25 |
thing_title | Filename | String | Law-Of-The-West |
paarent_type_id | Thing Type ID | String | 1 |
publisher_id | Publisher ID | String | 477 |
format_type_group_id | Format Type Group ID | String | 1001 |
machine_type_group_id | Machine Type Group ID | String | 333 |
Note: Not all things have a value for thing_description.
Note: There are currently no calls in relation to the paarent_id returned. This ID is used to designate multiple versions of the same game. This functionality is not yet ready for release.