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Genre: | Compilation Of Arcade Games |
Publisher: | Database |
Cover Art Language: | English |
Machine Compatibility: | Acorn Electron |
Release: | Magazine available via High Street/Mail Order |
Original Release Date: | 1st September 1987 |
Original Release Price: | £1.00 |
Market Valuation: | £1.00 (How Is This Calculated?) |
Author(s): | - |
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Graham Gooch's Test Cricket (Audiogenic)
Its appeal is limited. Those who don't understand cricket may find it boring, while the purist will probably think it 'just isn't cricket!'.
Crazee Rider (Superior/Acornsoft)
Crazee Rider is an exciting game - it's fast, challenging and there's plenty to keep you entertained.
Stryker's Run/Codename: Droid (Superior/Acornsoft)
Stryker himself is capable of far more actions than before... He can now run, jump, climb up and down ropes, kneel and crawl through narrow crevasses on his stomach.
Microstuffer 64K Printer Buffer (Supra Corporation)
If you rarely use your printer it isn't necessary, but if you regularly print large documents it could repay itself in time saved very quickly.
Overall, I have to say I have never had so much fun trying to outwit a computer at its own game.
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