Genre: | Compilation Of Arcade Games |
Publisher: | Argus Press |
Cover Art Language: | English |
Machine Compatibility: | BBC Model B, BBC Model B+, BBC Master 128, Acorn Electron |
Release: | Magazine available via High Street/Mail Order |
Original Release Date: | 1st February 1986 |
Original Release Price: | £1.50 |
Market Valuation: | £2.50 (How Is This Calculated?) |
Author(s): | - |
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Terrormolinos (Melbourne House) (BBC/Electron)
Terrormolinos is great fun, even if you don't progress too far.
Stairway To Hell (Software Invasion) (BBC/Electron)
There's quite a variety of nasties to contend with but the animation left a lot to be desired, the sound effects could have been a lot more imaginative, characters could have been much bigger and there's too much flicker.
Apart from being unlicensed this is nowhere near as good at the Atari version.
Chip Buster (Software Invasion) (BBC/Electron)
All sounds incredibly good fun but in practice, it's rather dull... The trouble is, there's so little skill involved.
Star Drifter (Firebird) (BBC Model B)
The graphics, characters, animation, background graphics are all nicely done but there's distinct lack of sound effects.
Typeasy (Carswell Computing) (BBC/Electron)
I suppose Typeasy does the basic job it sets out to do, but I personally found it clumsy and irritating to use.
Repton 2 (Superior) (Acorn Electron)
Repton 2 is very challenging and those who found the original too easy will be pleased to know that this version certainly is not.
Red Arrows (Database) (BBC Model B)
I was not impressed with the playability... It's so difficult I could not perform a manoeuvre properly.
Fat Man Sam (Firebird) (BBC Model B)
If you haven't yet seen a platform and ladders game, you should find Fat Man Sam good fun.
I am a pretty keen sports fan and I couldn't think of any British sport to which this program could be applied.
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