The following reviews are known (or thought) to have been written by Nick Pearce
3D Grand Prix (DK Tronics) | ZX Computing #12 |
3D Tunnel (New Generation) | ZX Computing #10 |
5D Compendium (5D Programs) | ZX Computing #20 |
Alphaprobe (Artic) | ZX Computing #11 |
Asteroids (Micro-Gen) | ZX Computing #13 |
Bears In The Wood/Climber (Unicorn Micro Systems) | ZX Computing #17 |
Black Crystal (Carnell) | ZX Computing #8 |
Blockade Runner (Paul Gillet) | ZX Computing #9 |
Bouncing Bert (Software Farm) | ZX Computing #22 |
Box File/Slot Machine (Finsbury) | ZX Computing #18 |
Bridgehead (5D Programs) | ZX Computing #20 |
Bumper 7 (Axis) | ZX Computing #15 |
Classic 3 (Axis) | ZX Computing #12 |
Codescan (Ceran) | ZX Computing #16 |
Community Chest (Artic) | ZX Computing #12 |
Computerwine (Computerwine) | ZX Computing #5 |
Cosmic Guerilla (Quicksilva) | ZX Computing #12 |
Dominoes (Phipps) | ZX Computing #11 |
Euro Airways/Stockmarket (G. Barker) | ZX Computing #18 |
Extended Basic (F. J. G. Beniest) | ZX Computing #17 |
Forty-Niner/Asteroids (Software Farm) | ZX Computing #13 |
Frogger II (Software Farm) | ZX Computing #15 |
Galactic Trooper (Romik) | ZX Computing #15 |
Galactic Trooper (Romik) | ZX Computing #20 |
Galaxians And Gloops (Quicksilva) | ZX Computing #7 |
Galaxians And Gloops (Quicksilva) | ZX Computing #15 |
Galaxy Jailbreak (Romik) | ZX Computing #14 |
Games V: Family Games (JRS) | ZX Computing #12 |
Gamestape 1 (Fawkes Computing) | ZX Computing #13 |
Gamestape 6 (J. K. Greye) | ZX Computing #5 |
Gauntlet (PSS) | ZX Computing #16 |
Halls Of The Things (Crystal Computing) | ZX Computing #10 |
Home Doctor Series (Eastmead Computers) | ZX Computing #8 |
Home Heating Calculations (Harlequin Computing) | ZX Computing #18 |
Invaders (Odyssey Computing) | ZX Computing #8 |
Manic Miner (Bug-Byte) | ZX Computing #10 |
Matre 81 (Arctan) | ZX Computing #22 |
Mazogs (Bug-Byte) | ZX Computing #4 |
Merchant Of Venus (Crystal Computing) | ZX Computing #15 |
Micro Mouse Goes Debugging (Lothlorien) | ZX Computing #17 |
Moonlander (Orion) | ZX Computing #9 |
Night Gunner (Digital Integration) | ZX Computing #7 |
Nowotnik Puzzle (Phipps) | ZX Computing #11 |
Nowotnik Puzzle And Other Diversions (Phipps Associates) | ZX Computing #5 |
Ocean Trader/Pioneer Trail (Quicksilva) | ZX Computing #8 |
Planet Of Death/Ship Of Doom/Adventure Island (Artic) | ZX Computing #6 |
Poolster Treble Chance (Niagram) | ZX Computing #16 |
Pooter Puzzler & Muse Of Pooter (Pooter Games) | ZX Computing #22 |
Racehorse Trainer/Adventure (G. Barker) | ZX Computing #17 |
Reversi (Mine Of Information) | ZX Computing #6 |
Rocketman (Software Farm) | ZX Computing #16 |
Signalman (IPS Canada) | ZX Computing #14 |
Snake Kink (No Man's Land) | ZX Computing #18 |
Space Invaders, Scramble And Breakout (Microgen) | ZX Computing #5 |
Space Rescue (D. Pinch) | ZX Computing #14 |
Space Trek (TRS) | ZX Computing #14 |
Speedsnake (IPS Canada) | ZX Computing #14 |
Spelling Bee (Image) | ZX Computing #9 |
Star Defence (JRS Software) | ZX Computing #18 |
Subspace Striker (Pixel) | ZX Computing #7 |
Super Glooper/Frogs (Psion) | ZX Computing #6 |
Tempest (Mikro-Gen) | ZX Computing #12 |
The Computerised Diet (Softchoice) | ZX Computing #15 |
Three Cassettes For The 1K ZX81 (Selec) | ZX Computing #9 |
Tiny Logo (Computer Magic) | ZX Computing #18 |
Toolkit (Artic) | ZX Computing #11 |
Trader (Pixel) | ZX Computing #7 |
Under The ZX Scope | ZX Computing #4 |
Vufile (Psion) | ZX Computing #11 |
ZOR (J. Till) | ZX Computing #16 |
ZX Complete Four (Paul Gillett) | ZX Computing #7 |
ZX Hi-Res Toolkit (Stefan Schmidt) | ZX Computing #20 |
ZX Monopoly (MPT) | ZX Computing #9 |
ZX81 Soft Selection | ZX Computing #19 |
The following letters are known (or thought) to have been written by Nick Pearce
Earth-shaking Atari Display | Personal Computer News #083 |
Experiment with Atari Colour | Personal Computer News #053 |
Speed Up Your Atari's Basic | Personal Computer News #047 |
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