ZX Computing

3D Grand Prix

Author: Nick Pearce
Publisher: DK Tronics
Machine: Sinclair ZX81

Published in ZX Computing #12

3D Grand Prix

Having recently spent a considerable amount of time on the Spectrum negotiating the various circuits of Psion's Chequered Flag, I wasn't expecting too much of this ZX81 program - no colour, sound and chunky graphics. I must admit, however, that I was favourably impressed by this simulation from DK Tronics.

The dashboard is displayed on screen and shows gear, speed and rpm indicators and your fuel guage. You have a perspective view of the track as from the driving seat of a Formula 1 racing car and see the other cars on the track as you pass them or are overtaken yourself.

Unlike Chequered Flag, cornering is no problem providing that your speed is not excessive. The car takes bends automatically, left and right steering puts you on the appropriate side of the track for overtaking. You do have control over the gears (there are six of them), throttle and brakes.

Weather effects, mechanical failures and pit stops all feature in this game with each race lasting five laps, unless you succumb to one of the numerous hazards faced by the Grand Prix driver. I found that it required careful concentration to avoid crashing into the back of slower cars ahead for at 180mph there is not much time in which to react!

Nick Pearce

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