This is the "Galaxians" version in the Micro Power range of games for the Electron. True to form, the winged nasties swoop down from their banked formation and try to sidestep your sharp-shooting attempts, dodging like a good rugby winger as they fly towards you. The action is fast but without much variation throughout the various screens of difficulty.
When one of the birdmen does get past your rain of laser fire then it lays an explosive egg on the laser base track, which you must avoid until it disintegrates a few seconds later. These eggs are deadly to touch and can severely restrict movement if allowed to come down in the wrong place. The graphics are fine as far as the limit of the game allows and the Electron is given some nice swooping sounds to test out its speaker.
A nice feature is the use of new character set for the Hi-score table and all in all the game is a successful implementation of this rather dated yet still popular genre of arcade game.
Fun to play but it quickly wears thin.