Commodore User

Submarine Commander

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Creative Sparks
Machine: Commodore Vic 20

Published in Commodore User #10

Submarine Commander

This was originally in cartridge form but is now available on tape at a bargain (real bargain!) price. Although the artist's impression is a trifle optimistic, the program does make good use of the Vic's all-round capabilities in sound and vision.

Take your time to learn the ropes: then stalk the enemy convoys using your map of the Mediterranean and the compass. There are various instruments and gauges to monitor, manoeuvres to master. Use the sonar mode when closing in - then up with the periscope in true Hollywood fashion. A scrolling screen gives the impression of scouring the skyline and displays your torpedoes zooming to the target (or missing). Sink a few, crash dive, check for damage; replenish your air supply at the surface when the retaliatory bombardment has finished; and begin anew.

Real solid action with plenty to bite on - more than just another shooting game. The only fault worth mentioning is that the shipping should be depicted in a different colour to the land masses while in map mode. Good stuff though.

Other Reviews Of Submarine Commander For The Commodore Vic 20

Submarine Commander (Creative Sparks)
A review by LM (Personal Computer Games)