Games Computing

Micro Olympics

Publisher: Database
Machine: Spectrum 48K

Published in Games Computing #11

Micro Olympics (Database)

Yes, the Olympics have been on everybody's mind and Database Publications realise it. So, if you feel envious of Seb Coe or Daley Thompson, why not try one of these games?

Micro Olympics features eleven events, five running events (100, 200, 400, 800 and 1500) and five field events (high and long jumps, pole vault, the discus, javelin and hammer). All the time you are competing against a very good athlete.

In each event keys must be selected. In running events the keys involved are to move the feet and to run well the keys must be pressed separately very fast. For the long jump, pole vault and javelin events three keys are needed, for two running keys and one for jump/throw. For the remaining events just the throw /jump key is used.

Micro Olympics

For events like the high jump, hammer or discus a concentration level must be obtained. To do this a sequence of four keys are displayed. The keys are numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4, but in a different order. The object is to keep the arrow below the plus sign, but the arrow keeps moving away and when it has moved one space to the right the appropriate key must be pressed.

The game resembles the arcade game Track and Field. I found the running very hard because the Spectrum's keyboard is not really suited to all the bashing that is required.

The graphics are fairly good. There is very little sound used but what there is, which is mainly crowd cheering, adds to the atmosphere of the game. An enjoyable game.