Commodore User


Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Anirog
Machine: Commodore 64

Published in Commodore User #10


Doubtless you have noticed the ads for the various Bert games and considered them undemanding. Hopping from one hexagon to another, eventually to encompass the whole pyramid, seems simple enough - even with bouncing balls and a snake in pursuit.

The trouble is, there seems no spare time in which to formulate a viable strategy: the hunters are right after you and it always seems harder to make diagonal moves with a joystick. When you land on a new ledge it changes colour until all the surfaces are yellow, then purple and finally green. Eventually, in the interests of science, I accomplished this feat; but I abandoned play when a geezer with specs joined the fray too. There are two spinning discs which afford escape routes but they must be used with care. In practice, each advance in ability invites 'one more go'.

This game is in 3D but not spectacularly so. The sonics consist of basic sound effects. To put an end to my speculation, Anirog now advertise the incorporation of the Turbo quick-load system; faster than the 1541 disk drive.

Other Reviews Of Hexpert For The Commodore 64

Hexpert (Anirog)
A review by A.W. (Home Computing Weekly)