Commodore User

Football Frenzy

Author: Keith Campbell
Publisher: Alternative
Machine: Commodore 64/128

Published in Commodore User #53

Football Frenzy

With Grimsditch Rangers due to play in the cup final in three days time, the team are in fine fettle and raring to go.

"What could possibly go wrong?" asks the inlay.

What indeed As manager, I could find very little to worry about, save a pile of bills dumped on my office desk by my secretary. Funny thing, that - you have to go through my office to get to hers. I thought it was always supposed to be the other way round.

Football Frenzy

Confusing things, offices, especially when you have to go west to leave through an east exit. Still, some sort of explanation will turn up later in the game, I'll be bound.

I read through the bills and discovered that one of them was for the Electricity Company!!! (The shape of things to come, or just wishful thinking on the part of the pro-privatisation author?). So I had a wander around town. The bank manager was out so I couldn't get a loan to pay the bills. Perhaps I didn't even need one? Returning to the ground, and having little else to do, I decided to position one of the players in Saturday's big match, grabbed a ball and strolled out onto the pitch to kick it around.

"You haven't time to mess about like that," chided the program.

Football Frenzy

Not to worry, life goes on, and no problems are presenting themselves. What can go wrong? I didn't know at the start, and I'm still none te wiser now. The instructions give nothing away save the vocabulary.

Here we have a budget adventure that looks decidedly GACked. Some locations have graphics but many pictures are clones. I can't say that I was particularly motivated to hang about and wait for something to happen, for nothing about the game particularly grabbed me.

But then, this is the last review for this month and out of the corner of my eye I can see Border Zone on the shelf, lined up for the next issue...

Keith Campbell

Other Commodore 64/128 Game Reviews By Keith Campbell

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  • Frankenstein Front Cover
  • The Boggit Front Cover
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  • Federation Front Cover
  • The Colour Of Magic Front Cover
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  • The Quest Front Cover
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  • Jinxter Front Cover
  • Fish! Front Cover
  • Ingrid's Back Front Cover
    Ingrid's Back
  • Venom Front Cover