
Commsoft Terminal ROM

Author: Peter Rochford
Publisher: Soft Machinery
Machine: BBC Model B

Published in Beebug #43

Soft Machinery have now released the Commsoft ROM, sold with the communications ROM for all modem users. Peter Rochford, who reviewed the Magic Modem for Beebug, gives his assessment

Communicating With Comsoft

Soft Machinery were responsible for writing the original viewdata terminal software for Prestel Microcomputing. Their latest release is Commsoft, supplied on a 16K ROM and featuring both viewdata and scrolling text terminals. Compatible with Model B, B+, Master and 6502 second processors, it will operate with manual dial modems or can control intelligent modems with its Modem Command function. Alternatively, modem drivers can be supplied on disc for most of the popular units around giving control of auto dial, auto answer, and baud rate selection if possible from software. The software supports transmission rates of 300/300 baud, 1200/75 and 75/1200 baud, but not 1200/1200 full duplex.


The viewdata terminal mode provides a large range of options which are selected by the Beeb's function keys. No key strip is needed as help is available at all times in the form of a pull-down screen menu. Further commands are available via the cursor, Delete and Copy keys sometimes in conjunction with Shift or Ctrl. The facilities included are loading and saving of frames, frame printing, tele-software downloading, both to buffer and filing system, and frame tagging and recall.

The FEdit function provides a very sophisticated off-line frame editor for creation of mailbox frames with an on-screen, pull-down, help menu. All viewdata display attributes can be utilised and a pixel editor allows complex graphics frames to be produced with relative ease.


The scrolling text terminal in Commsoft provides access to Bulletin Boards and Telecom Gold etc. Like the viewdata terminal, most of the facilities are via functions keys with a pull down menu for instant help. The terminal can operate in 40 or 80 column mode and a split-screen window can be defined for local echo of keyboard input. Incoming text can be sent to printer, RAM buffer or direct to the filing system. Previously created text files can be uploaded either from buffer or direct from disc.

Error corrected file transfer is by the popular Xmodem standard and allows files of all kinds to be transmitted. All the usual status messages are provided and there is monitoring of incoming/outgoing data in a split-screen window.

Auto Log-On

Commsoft has the ability to program a set of function key definitions that are held on a viewdata frame. IDs and passwords are concealed within the frame and extracted by the terminal software. The frame is created using the viewdata Edit function and enables dial-up, log-on and routing to your favourite page by a single key stroke chosen from your menu.


The one thing about Commsoft I can say that bothers me is that the modem driver is on disc and not in the ROM, but then I may be lazy! That apart, it is hard to fault software as refined as this. The facilities are excellent, it is very user-friendly and comes with a really good manual. In my opinion, this is the best terminal software yet for the Beeb.

Peter Rochford

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