Games Computing


Publisher: Virgin Games
Machine: BBC Model B

Published in Games Computing #10

Brainstorm (Virgin Games)

Brainstorm is a two player grid-based game. The players attempt to destroy each other's brain situated on opposite sides of the screen. To do this there is only one method, laser refraction. This may sound complicated but in fact it is easy and unentertaining.

Each player places one electro-prism on each of his turns, or alternatively he may fire his laser. Electro-prisms are like mirrors, they deflect laser beams in a set direction. To place a prism only requires co-ordinates and then a number from 1 to 8 which determines in what direction the laser is deflected. The number corresponds to a compass direction (NE or South etc). To fire your laser you just move it up or down and fire. The laser beam travels until it hits a prism when it is deflected. A laser beam can travel through up to 25 prisms or until it leaves the grid. If it hits any brain then the score is altered and the grid is reset.

There are three grids to choose from and the length of time which the laser is visible can be set. The graphics and sound are below average so in my opinion unless you are desperate for a game, leave Brainstorm alone.