Winged Warlords is a arcade game in which you are
invited to take to the skies - but not in vour Cobra Mk 3 with
military lasers. This time you are sat astride a great big ostrich
with a lance tucked under your arm.
Yes, now is your big chance to display your skills in the
medieval sport of jousting.
The battlefield is a large open sky in which hover several
platforms. The platforms, should you manage to fly up to
one, are ideal places upon which to lie in wait for a passing
When tackling an opponent it is the player with the highest
lance who will be the victor. The key to success in this
game is definitely your ability to master the art of Hying. The
controls are simple: left, right, and flap.
Flapping however is not that simple. This is probably under
standable, the ostrich being a flightless bird.
The rapid fire technique that has served us all so well through
the years is quite useless.
Superior Software give a hint on the cassette inlay: "Imagine you
arc an ostrich trying to fly". Slower, stronger, key depress
ions are far more effective. This, however, is very difficult to
remember when a warlord is bearing down on you and you
can't get the thing off the ground.
A successful clash with a warlord results in him reverting
to his original form - an egg. You must, at some time during
the melee, make contact with the egg or it will hatch to produce a
new adversary.
At the base of the screen is a lava pool, covered by a layer of
rock during the first screen. In subsequent screens it has no
such covering and is to be avoided at all costs.
Even a low pass over the lava may entice the pool's inhabitant
to make a grab for your steed. Once in the grip of the beast
your only hope lies in your mastery of the powerful flap.