Weird Dreams

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Rainbird
Machine: Commodore 64/128

Published in Computer & Video Games #101

Weird Dreams

The game which everyone drooled over when it appeared on Motormouth in its 16-bit form makes its way over to the C64. You have fallen into a coma while on the operating table, and have to fight your way through the different stages of the weird dream which you now find yourself in. Starting in a huge candy floss vat, you have to jump onto a stick which will take you have to pinch a crystal ball from a giant wasp - the levels continue along those lines.

While the general idea of the 16-bit version has been carried over to the C64, playability is severely dented because the game is so tremendously difficult. As an example, the first section of the game took almost thirty minutes to escape from - and that consists of only one screen!

The graphics are faithful representations of the big brother versions, but as the adage goes, graphics maketh not a game.


A clever idea, ruined by over-difficult gameplay which leads to a huge amount of frustration.

Other Reviews Of Weird Dreams For The Commodore 64/128

Weird Dreams (MicroProse)
A review

Weird Dreams (Rainbird)
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