A neat "wedge" program allowing access to 14 extra
Basic statements, including most of the expected toolkit
commands such as renumbering, automatic numbering and
deleting lines. In addition the program effectively upgrades the
Oric-1 to Atmos standard by adding PRINT AT, VERIFY and
APPEND, as well as the simple file-handling commands WRITE
and READ. These function as the Atmos STORE and RECALL.
The program also includes RESTORE to a particular line
number, CATALOG - displays contents of a cassette tape - and
a simple method of redefining any of Oric's standard characters.
Toolkit can be loaded without disturbing a resident Basic
program and resides at the top of user memory allowing normal
use of Hires mode. Most of the additional commands can be
used in immediate or program mode.
A disappointment was that no facility for searching a program
for a particular statement is provided. However, you rarely seem
to get everything you could wish for these days. What is
included seems to work very smoothly. The serious Basic
programmer should definitely have something like Toolkit
available, and the additional range in-program commands is
very attractive.