Personal Computer Games

The Sting

Categories: Review: Software
Author: BW
Publisher: Gemini
Machine: BBC Model B

Published in Personal Computer Games #10

The Sting

Here's a game to get a bee in your bonnet. Harassed by a pesky bumble bee, called Sting, your bear must collect fruits and flowers in the bounds of a geometric shape.

Your brave bruin starts in a triangle with a fruit in each corner. You must collect these and not bump into the bee buzzing around.

Completion will get you on to a bonus screen which purports to be a maze but is just four blue columns with a randomly positioned gap in each. You have to reach your cub at the bottom right.

The Sting

Deadly mushrooms move down the spaces between columns where Sting is likely to pop up and provide the greatest threat. Failure doesn't result in the loss of a life but ends the bonus screen, which seems fairly pointless since it does not get any harder.

The shape of the main play area changes to a sqare, hexagon and later more complicated figures. The edible goodies are always placed in the corners or on outcrops. The number of munchies increases with four on the second screen. 12 on the fifth and so on.

The fruits and flowers have to be eaten in the right order and this is shown at the top of the display.

Logs and mushrooms also appear on later screens and these get in your way though the logs don't kill you. Also appearing is an aerosol, which I had hoped could be picked up and sprayed at Sting. Unfortunately you only have to pass over it to freeze him for a while.

Your bear is not very convincing when he walks and his arms are curiously coloured blue. But it's a cute game and if zapping is not your thing you might well enjoy it.


Other Reviews Of The Sting For The BBC Model B

The Sting (Gemini)
A review by Harry Sinclair (Acorn User)