Big K

Special Operations

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Lothlorien
Machine: Spectrum 48K

Published in Big K #8

Special Operations

Another of those Lothlorien strategy things where poor graphics (mathstick men, wobbly bullets, squiggly forests, etc) and sluggish responses make play a bore. You handpick a commando team according to individual skills and then set about one of seven increasingly difficult objectives - from locating the enemy compound, through getting stuff out of it, to destroying it altogether.

Play takes place on two screens: one a map of the area, the other for individual locations and combat. Apart from moving, you have only about a dozen options. Frankly, since I discovered Lords Of Midnight, strategy games like this just seem pathetic. But then I never liked them much anyway.

Other Reviews Of Special Operations For The Spectrum 48K

Special Operations (Lothlorien)
A review by Derek Brewster (Crash)

Special Operations (Lothlorien)
A review by (Sinclair User)