Your Sinclair

Space Harrier

Author: Marcus Berkmann
Publisher: Encore
Machine: Spectrum 48K/128K/+2

Published in Your Sinclair #51

Space Harrier

Cor, is it that long ago? In fact, it's the best part of three years since we were all drooling and dribbling over this coin-op conversion, mainly because we'd spent the previous six months getting even dribblier over the actual coin-op. Those streams of weird and wonderful spaceships flying at you in almost balletic formations, the speed of at all, the sheer originality - well, I spent a few quid down the arcades on this one, I can tell you.

And three years later, it's still a good blast, even though the legendary limitations of the 48K beermat makes it rather less spectacular than purists might hope. The glorious rushing colours of the coin-op are replaced by the Speccy's usual monochrome, although the chequered ground pattern, so effective in giving the illusion of speed, remains intact.

Still, original it remains, which means a good blast for anyone so inclined (eg me).

Marcus Berkmann

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