Shuttle Shock is an interesting variation on the familiar multiscreen platform game theme.
Instead of jumping you have a teleport system which sends a ray out at an angle which, when it hits a solid object, will rebound at right angles. If the fall to the level below is too great, you fall to your death, otherwise you can continue.
On many of the levels there are girders which speed across or down the screen when stepped on. To complete each screen you must walk into the battery.
There are 10 screens, some with computing in-jokes as titles, for example Minter's Mowers, Atick Atock, and Stinkers. The graphics aren't very good and colour choice isn't outstanding, but each screen represents a difficult challenge. Many seem impossible at first and require very careful timing and positioning.
An annoying feature is that you must start from the beginning once all three lives have been lost.
Although the screens aren't as varied or as complex as some other games, Shuttle Shock is an enjoyable challenge and it is excellent value for money.