Home Computing Weekly


Categories: Review: Software
Author: S.J.E.
Publisher: Budgie
Machine: Spectrum 48K

Published in Home Computing Weekly #129

Convoy is a two player naval strategy game based on World War Two, covering the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea. Each player commands a fleet of warships, an air force and a convoy of merchant ships, with the objective of supplying their own country and blockading their opponent's.

Each turn you may signal to any of your 17 ships to alter their speed and course, remembering to allow for the wind, and the positions of all your ships are given - so your opponent must promise not to look! Only when all the signals have been completed can both players view the screen together, but then only the location of ships in port is given which takes several minutes to print up.

If visibility is good aircraft can be sent out, when an enemy ship is found there is a simple action sequence in which you can try to bomb your opponent's ship. I f two ships sight each other the fight is automatic. Damaged ships can be repaired by returning them to a home port.

Comprehensive instructions and a map are included. There is no time limit, so the game can be recorded before the start of each turn.

There are so many ships under your control that it becomes tedious to keep track of them and alter their positions in line with a strategy. Nevertheless, war game ent husiasts will appreciate the amount of detail included, although Convoy can only be recommended if you can find a worthy opponent.


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